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ANCHOR-LOK - 28 Years of “Double” Protection

Atlas Minerals and Chemicals

ATLAS was recently contacted to discuss the replacement of a process sump that was originally installed in 1995. The ANCHOR-LOK Polypropylene sump has provided successful service for the past 28 years in an aggressive, severe service environment. Service conditions include sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide and 200° F water.

A number of different linings for other structures had been attempted since original construction, including stainless steel; none provide more than a few years of service. The owner desired to stay with that which has a proven track record.

The 18’ x 6’ x 8’ deep sump incorporated “True Double Wall” or “True Double Lined” ANCHOR-LOK. ANCHOR-LOK Polypropylene was used as both the internal lining and an external lining, with a six (6) inch pour of concrete sandwiched between. The structure incorporated leak detection with a standpipe for monitoring purposes.

To minimize downtime during replacement, the customer wanted to know if the sump can be pre-cast. Yes it can, provided it can be rigged (lifting lugs) and moved. The sump pictured above was pre-cast by ATLAS in our Mertztown facility. Note the lifting lugs and trench inlets. Anchors are placed on the exterior to provide a lock into concrete to be poured to surround the structure.

The octagonal Double Walled pre-cast sump included an ATLAS Atlastacrete polymer concrete rather than standard Portland based concrete. Standard concrete can and has been used.

Critical service sumps that provide 28 years of successful use are not the norm, they are the exception.

It is testament not only to ANCHOR-LOK but to the technicians who performed the welding/spark testing and the concrete contractor. Each played a significant role in the life of this severe service process sump.


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