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Atlas Minerals and Chemicals

Anchor-Lok & Plastic Tank Pads a Great New Combination

As you have read in previous Insider Articles, the evolution of Anchor-Lok applications has been a great addition to the standard uses of years past. In the same vein as containment basins, truck bays, and pedestals a new potential has come into the fold, Tank Pads.

The challenge related to four 12-foot diameter storage tanks that, at capacity, could hold about 16,000 gallons. They also would have 1-2 “full drain” nozzles each. The term full drain means the centerline of the nozzle is flush with the bottom of the tank. The problem then becomes that you would need something to serve as a base for these tanks to eliminate notching the concrete.

We confirmed the diameter, notch locations, and overall height required. Also, we got the end user to provide an estimated load weight of the tank and liquid inside.

These pads were fabricated in two sections of HDPE (1” thick) and designed with room underneath for forklift access to move as needed in the future. Another neat part of this is after the pad was in its final resting place, they placed two stainless steel lag screws at both ends through the dunnage (ribbing on the floor of the tank). This means there was no need for welding in the field.

Judging by the success of this project as well as the inquiries on other tanks, this is something we feel could become a standard addition to the Anchor-Lok lineup.

It is worth checking in on the current end users with tanks that have successfully used Anchor-Lok for trenches, sumps or containment areas. Please reach out to Atlas for more information regarding this application or a new opportunity where we could potentially use Anchor-Lok.


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