Anchored Thermoplastic Lining for Concrete Protection
Call 800-523-8269 or contact your US Sales Representative.
CCM - Linings and Membranes
ANCHOR-LOK® mechanically locks into concrete structures to provide unmatched corrosion resistance. ANCHOR-LOK® reduces construction time, eliminates concrete cure and surface preparation, and provides verified pinhole and leak-free integrity throughout the lining system. ANCHOR-LOK® sheet is available in various grades of Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF).
Discover Anchor-Lok's myriad of benefits:

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Project Case Study – Anchor-LOK®
A prominent, global pharmaceutical company grew tired of dealing with constant chemical attack of their facility’s primary process trench runs. The main issue was the array of acidic solutions being discharged into the trench, and finding a product that would withstand the corrosion, while providing primary containment.
A comprehensive Anchor-LOK® Lining System was initially introduced as a possible solution, but it was the Anchor LOK® sheet of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) that was ultimately chosen for its broad range, chemical resistance, and successful track record in similar applications. Two primary trench runs and collection sumps were installed within two weeks, enabling operation to resume. The facility went from experiencing two outages per year for repair, re-surfacing, and re-coating the trench runs to zero outages per year. The maintenance savings over a two-year period more than compensated for the investment and installation of Anchor-LOK®.

The ROI is better than we imagined maintenance-wise. The system installed paid for itself within a 24-month period.
- Process Engineer

This is the long-term solution we have been looking for!
- Operations Engineer

Anchor-Lok will be our new standard moving forward. After an initial installation 3 years ago, they now have 5.
- Manager of Engineering
ANCHOR-LOK Applications
ANCHOR-LOK is used in conjunction with concrete to contain and convey a wide variety of chemical solutions.
ANCHOR-LOK has excellent chemical, thermal and abrasion resistance and withstands external hydraulic pressure well in excess of a 100 ft. (30 m.) head.
ANCHOR-LOK is available in UV-resistant grades for outdoor applications. Systems meeting USDA and FDA service requirements are available.
ANCHOR-LOK is used to line concrete:
Containment dikes
Manholes and piping
Underground storage vaults
Neutralization tanks
Flumes and chute linings for wet or dry applications
Chemical process structures
Storage tanks
Waste treatment structures
Municipal sewage and water treatment tanks
Tank farms
Pump pads
Specialty industrial flooring
Concrete ducts and stacks
Offshore and shore side concrete marine pilings
Any structure that can formed in concrete can be lined with Anchor-Lok
Features and Benefits of ANCHOR-LOK
ANCHOR-LOK has many features and benefits to meet your needs:
Used in conjunction with conventional concrete construction
Mechanically anchored into concrete substrate
Leak-free primary and secondary containment
Leak detection systems available
Expansion joints are not required
Available in several thermoplastic resins
Outstanding chemical resistance
Broad thermal resistance
Impact and abrasion resistant
Bridges cracks in concrete
Easy installation
On-site new construction
Prefabricated construction available for new construction or retrofit
Any configuration, size, or shape
Built-in grating seat and flange as required
Conforms to ASTM and DIN standards
Welded by Certified Applicators
Standard sheet thicknesses are 1/8″ (3 mm.) and
3/16″ (5 mm.)